So I’ve been pondering what I want to do with the blog portion of this here website and I’ve come up with some ideas that will soon be going live. Along with being a place to showcase a bit of my writing and provide updates on my writing career I’m going to make Looking for a Rabbit Hole mostly about the rabbit holes I find myself falling down. For me this means the various arts & entertainment I enjoy.
I’ve got a few old posts kicking around of this nature such as a few posts about old and new comics, the state of my growing jazz self-education, the very rare book review. Now I’m going to attempt to commit to some regular content along these lines. Fridays, for example, I hope to make about watches of old horror & thriller movies. Some will be good, some awful. Another day, possibly Wednesdays, will be about turning “Reading Old Comics” into a regular thing.
I’m still debating whether or not I want to put up any more book reviews/recommendations.
I’ve got a few other ideas, but I want to think about them more. Tomorrow I’ll also be putting up a post laying out the various things I currently support on Patreon and why you might want to consider doing so as well. And we’ll see how it goes from here.
ETA: Oh, and expect more photos. Especially of birds. Here’s my newest Lifer ( <- Look! Birder lingo), the gorgeous Cedar Waxwing.