So one of the things that I’ve learned over the last few months is that there are a lot of writers out here on the internet. Twitter seems particularly full of them. The flash fiction challenges at are great a great way to meet a small slice of this great population of authors and I do try my best to read and comment on as many of the challenge takers’ entries as possible – though I’ve been a little lax in this the last few weeks.
During these explorations of my fellow writers’ webplaces I started noticing that there is a community of them who just love flash fiction and micro fiction. They love it so much they’ve started little weekly micro-fiction writing contests. For example there are: #MenageMondays hosted over at “Defantly Literate” ( ), the #55WordChallenge hosted at “Jezri’s Nightmares” ( ) and #ThursThreads hosted at “The Weird, the Wild, & the Wicked” ( ). There are many more as well.