Missed another week there with frustrating issues (like my hard drive dying!) but the Roundup is back this week with 5 more stories I enjoyed and hope you will too. I should say there are quite a variety of themes, styles, and lengths going on this week across these 5 tales, so even if everything isn’t to your liking probably something will be. So let’s get this going. It starts with one of my favorite authors.
Weekly Fiction Rec Roundup 6
Ok! The last four weeks of holidays and holiday recovery have devastated my regular routines and habits, and nascent ones such as my daily story recommendations on Mastodon and Weekly Roundups here took the biggest hits. Time to get back on track though. I did make 4 recommendations since 2018 started and I’m throwing in one old favorite here to bring it up to 5 stories I’ve enjoyed and want to share with you.
As always, you can find a list of all previous roundups, and the featured authors of said roundups, here.
Weekly Fiction Rec Roundup 5
I’m coming in a day later than usual and with only 5 stories this time, but it is time for another roundup of fiction I’ve recently read and liked enough to share on my Mastodon feed. I think there’s an interesting selection here with a series of styles that range from feeling like they could have come from a different era (the 2nd and last story) to the thoroughly modern (like the first story). As usual there’s a fair bit of weird and creepy and unsettling, but not only that. And, as usual I think there’s hope to be found here too.
Weekly Fiction Rec Roundup 4
Week 4! We’ve made it a month! Also, for the second week in a row I have a full compliment of 7 stories to share with you (though over on Mastodon I had to double up the recs one day to hit it as flu laid me low and broke my daily streak over there). You can now find a list of links to all the Weekly Roundups here.
This week we have a range of things, including a couple stories that really hit the 2017 feels for me, our first repeat author, and something incredibly fun. Of course, they’re all worth reading or I wouldn’t have recommended them. Finally, a special note: Many of the magazines these stories come from are taking a significant financial hit right now (through no fault of their own) due to the current fiasco happening with Patreon (which is Patreon’s fault). If you enjoy short fiction I urge you to consider supporting the places that produce it, if you can, in whatever method available you’re comfortable with.
Weekly Fiction Rec Roundup 3
Week 3! My goal to read at least one short story a day and to share either it or another favorite story of mine on my Mastodon feed continues to go well. I’m loving the energy I’m getting from all the great reading and from having this goal I’m sticking to. I’m also happy the roundups have started getting some momentum going on the blog here and as this gets really established I plan to start adding more regular posts (probably starting with a return to Reading Old Comics).
OK, I’ve got a full flight of 7 stories to share with you (the first time in this young project that’s happened. Week 1 wasn’t actually a full week and in week 2 I missed a day) so we need to get into them, but an important note first. I will try to focus on recent fiction, but sometimes I dip back into stories form previous years, and sometimes I share a reprint. So if you’re looking for stories to read for any sort of awards purposes just be aware not all stories I share are going to qualify for such things.
Now, the stories!
Weekly Fiction Rec Roundup 2
As mentioned last week I’m trying to read at least one short story a day, and, if I like it I’m signal boosting it on Mastodon (If I don’t like it I’m sharing a favorite story I’ve read before). Every week I’m gathering those recommendations here in a weekly roundup.
Here are the stories I shared this week: